Smash! Boom! "what was that noise?" exclamed the massive robot. The whole town glared in amazment for how big the robot was. The robot had a little glimpse of who he was trying to get, standing in a small side street was one of the most wanted villans of all time. The villans jaw dropped down and he was frozen, not moving at all. The robot flew over and tryed to land on the villan but then he swooped to the side and doged the stomp right then there was a huge click! The robots leg was snaped "that is what happens when you are new and you don't get tested" shouted the villan. The robot could fly no more he hopped over to an abandoned house and sat on it he had to go back and get a new leg. "How did this happen?" Mumbled his master. "We can't afford to make another leg!" His master went to the junk yard and collected some parts for the robots leg he put them together and it looked better then the other leg. The robot went back to the old town but the villan was nowhere to be seen.